Quotes by Viktor Frankl

Viktor Frankl, a neurologist and psychiatrist,  believed that between stimuli and response, there is a personal volition and will.  From his experiences in Nazi death camps, Frankl came to believe that people cannot avoid pain, however they can choose how to respond to that pain. His theory of logotherapy is that man, rather than being motivated by pleasure, is the pursuit of meaning. Further, Frankl believed that man is not wholly dependent on the circumstances for his or her actions, instead having a choice. “Man is not fully conditioned and determined but rather he determines himself whether he give in to conditions or stands up to them. In other words, man is self-determining. Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become in the next moment.” (Man’s Search for Meaning, p. 131 to 134)


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Quick Facts

Logotherapy was developed by a psychologist who went on to survive six concentration camps. His name was Viktor E. Frankl. Dr. Frankl had this theory before being sent to the camps, but it was through the fires of hell that the theory became cemented, both as an approach and in the minds of general public.

Basic premise

Man is free within the confines of his situation to
choose how to interact with circumstances. Man is not free from
conditions, he is free to take a stand towards conditions. “Things
determine each other, but man is ultimately self-determining.” Continue reading “LogoTherapy”

Austin Wanderings PT1

Okay, so no one took me up on my offer to hangout in Austin, so I decided to make it interesting for myself. Rather than be deterred and let a sight seeing opportunity go to waste, I parked my car in a parking spot and got to my wandering. 

I started off by going to the place I was supposed to go, the municipal courthouse*. They apparently do not like knives in their courthouses, so I had to drop off my pocket knife and try and pick it up later. BTW, in the twenty minutes I was in there, someone stole the knife. Bolivia ain’t go nothing on Austin, their hobos are far more gifted in the arts of lost and found.

Anyway, after the court business, I went to The Tiger and had a very nice Venison sausage for three dollars, happy hour, and then went back on my way. In between checking out local spots, I came across a man (Lotus) with a sign on his chest saying 25 cents for a joke. He tried 20 jokes and still couldn’t break me. We settled for a poem. Continue reading “Austin Wanderings PT1”

Free to Disagree, unless I disagree with you, then I’ll call the cops

While browsing through Reddit, I found this article. Here is the caption, “Parent calls cops on teen for giving books away at a book giveaway”. Now, if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, let me help.


Her name is Brady Kissel and the book she was passing out was titled The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The book was recently banned by the local school district for using the phrase metaphorical boner and for making some criticisms against Christians. Continue reading “Free to Disagree, unless I disagree with you, then I’ll call the cops”

Dislocated Hipster, pt1

So, I am just considering watching Dawson’s Creek. I figure it’s been fifteen some odd years, so I don’t have to worry about anyone, anywhere liking that TV show. This of course is my primary criteria for being able to like anything. If someone somewhere likes it, I cannot like it.

Dr.Horrible’s Sing Along, I had to wait six months so that non of my family would come into my room and sing along with the show. I kid you not, I had this vivid image of them just kicking open my door, marching in, and singing around me. I did not want that to happen. So, yeah, Dawson’s Creek and maybe Creed?

I’m also waiting for the last two Beatles to die, so I can listen to the oldies 95 radio channel.

Equality and Diversity Require Disagreement

Social institutions shape a person’s perspective and direct his or her interactions with the people he or she encounters. The social institutions that exist within a given society are not necessarily in agreement with one another; indeed, they often have different values and priorities. This tension between social institutions serves a functional benefit by freeing the individuals within society from the absolute control and influence of any one group. Society requires varied and separate social institutions in order to fulfill their roles and to remain vibrant. Continue reading “Equality and Diversity Require Disagreement”

The Origin of Tyranny

The Angry Dog and Mad Master

With the expansion of awareness and intellect, so comes paranoia. A dog is only concerned with conquering its territory. It neither knows of nor cares for the world at large. Only the human conceive of the world as a whole, and so only the human desires to control it. Fear is a marker of intelligence, and fear is the origin of tyranny.


Communicating with Feelers: Or Why no One Likes Your Spock Impressions

Libertarians sometimes tick off other people. The concept of a bleeding heart libertarian has been a long time in coming. The libertarian movement has for a long time been the domain of people who have read the book Human Action. These people have trouble interacting with feeling thinkers because they themselves are logic thinkers. Continue reading “Communicating with Feelers: Or Why no One Likes Your Spock Impressions”